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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Code review

  One good way to use optional parameter in function

In GoLang, it doesn't support method overloading like in Java, hence sometimes it would be a headache to create functions to construct new structs with different parameters.  Normally, we would construct the new function as below when want to let others create a new struct instance with explicit function call. type Queue struct { Name string } func NewQueue(name string) *Queue { return &Queue{name} } But with the scope and complexity of the struct increases, there might be more prope...


  How to Understand and Use nil in Golang Correctly?

In Golang, nil is a predefined identifier that carries different meanings in various contexts, but typically represents "none", "empty" or "zero value". It can be assigned to variables of pointer, slice, map, channel, function, and interface types. Understanding the significance of nil is crucial for writing robust Go programs, as mishandling nil can lead to unexpected issues. nil in Pointers In Go, pointers are a fundamental type that stores the memory address of a variable. When a pointer is d...

   FUNCTION,SLICE,MAP,CHANNEL,GOLANG,NIL     2024-01-05 05:19:40

  Time to think about supporting max/min functions for integers in GoLang

Sometime back we wrote a post explaining why there is no max/min function support for integers in GoLang, one of the reasons is that no overloading is supported and the function name has been used for other numeric types float64. To solve this problem and make max/min function support integer as well, either GoLang should support overloading like in Java or the same set of functions need to be created in a different package other than standard math. These don't look like good options as overload...

   MIN,MAX,GENERICS,GOLANG     2021-07-24 03:14:42

  On Erlang's Syntax

I first planned to release this text as an appendix entry for Learn You Some Erlang, but considering this feels more like editorial content and not exactly something for a reference text, I decided it would fit better as a blog post. Many newcomers to Erlang manage to understand the syntax and program around it without ever getting used to it. I've read and heard many complaints regarding the syntax and the 'ant turd tokens' (a subjectively funny way to refer to ,, ; and .), how annoying...

   Erlang,Syntax,Error     2011-12-22 08:35:42

  Beauty of code : How to write graceful PHP code

Writing good code is an art. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to develop good programming habits at the beginning. Good programming habits not only contributes to the early project design (modular),but also allows you to the code easier to understand, so that the maintenance of the code is easier. Bad programming habits will result in more code bugs, and will make future maintenance work difficult. We introduce some good programming habits taking PHP as example. Hope this will help you....

   PHP,Good code     2012-08-26 12:23:03

  Understand more about Go basics with one interview question

First, let's take a look at below Go interview question: package main const s = "" // len(s) == 9 // 1 << 9 == 512 // 512 / 128 == 4 var a byte = 1 << len(s) / 128 var b byte = 1 << len(s[:]) / 128 func main() { println(a, b) } What would be the output in your mind? The output would be 4 0. Surprising? Before getting to the output values, some concepts in Go need to be introduced and explained in more detail. len()  len() is a built-in function in Go to get t...

   GOLANG,CONSTANT,SHIFT OPERATION,LEN()     2020-10-10 02:52:19

  Enable mouse scrolling with Apple wireless mouse on Windows PC

Today I was trying to use my Apple wireless mouse on my Windows PC, after pairing the mouse using Bluetooth, it worked fine until I noticed that I couldn't scroll browser pages properly. Tried many ways but all failed. Did some investigation online and found a workable solution. This post will share my experience. To enable mouse scrolling, there is a driver needed to be installed. First to go to Brigadier which is a Windows- and OS X-compatible Python script that fetches, from Apple's...

   APPLE,WIRELESS MOUSE,SCROLLING,WINDOWS 10     2022-10-01 01:44:37

  CRM Approach - A Well Planed Business Strategy Not a Mere Technology

Customer relationship management (CRM) has transitioned and evolved over the last few years.  Its adoption is powered by the rapid growth and popularity of SaaS tools. Too many companies have adopted CRM in order to cater to customers in a better manner and hence build loyalty. However, often implementing CRM does not yield the results as expected. CRM policies turn out to be ineffectual. This happens because, organizations over emphasize on CRM as a technology and undermine its importanc...

   customer relationship management services, CRM development, CRM Solutions, customer service manageme     2014-08-28 05:50:49

  The evolving history of asynchronous operation in JavaScript

JavaScript is single threaded, it means there would be only one task running at any point of time. But this would slow down the overall program execution if there is long running task, hence asynchronous task execution is desired in complex cases. To achieve asynchronous task execution, there are a few options introduced in JavaScript. setTimeout/setInterval Event Promise Async/Await setTimeout/setInterval is one of the first mechanisms introduced in JavaScript to simulate asynchronous operati...

   JAVASCRIPT,ASYNC,PROMISE,AWAIT     2019-11-09 08:21:56

  The Curious Case of App Store Optimization

You may have heard of App Store Optimization (ASO) and feel your brains go into overdrive! Chances are you probably have no idea what that means or that it appears pretty much the same as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), only to realize that it is not so. Despite being warily relatable to SEO, the reality of ASO is far more deep and complex. A key differentiator of ASO and SEO is what happens when a visitor or user enters the website or the app, in this case. The moment a user enters the site t...

   iOS App Development Company, Mobile App Company, iphone App Development Company, Mobile Application     2015-08-14 09:06:22